European Championship

England’s Loss to Croatia – Afterthoughts

Posted on December 22, 2007. Filed under: Croatia, England, European Championship |

Before England’s downfall to Croatia, the thought of McClaren sneaking off to the toilet crossed my mind. It certainly works for the Israelis. Wouldn’t it be great if we can replay the entire scene, with the game tied at 2-2, and McClaren excused himself to visit the gents, it may be an inspired England who miraculously scored the winning goal, and he comes out to receive a hero’s ovation…

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Scotland Robbed of Euro 08 Glory

Posted on December 22, 2007. Filed under: European Championship, Italy, Scotland |

With Euro 2008 qualification at stake, Italy showed the rest of European football why they were the reigning world champions. Right at the death, they snatched a 2-1 victory from Scotland, thanks to a header from Christian Panucci. The Azzurri made it through, along with France, and normal order is restored for a competition in danger of losing viewerships due to the absence of prestigious teams.

After booking their ticket to next summer’s footballing extravaganza in Switzerland and Austria, Italy manager Roberto Donadoni fired the first salvo at his counterparts with an affirmation that his team has grown even stronger since their World Cup glory.

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Botched Experiment For McClaren

Posted on December 22, 2007. Filed under: England, European Championship |

I had meant to tone down the criticism of Steve McClaren after Croatia coach, Steve Bilic, had his two cents about the difficulties in managing a national team. He said: “As a club manager you need a couple of years to make or build a team. In a national team you need three or four years because you do not have the players every day. It’s not McClaren’s fault. I feel for him and hope he is going to continue.”

Watching the match against Austria, I concur with Bilic. Of course, we should let McClaren carry on. England will be the shining beacon of mediocrity and any national coach just need to hold up his report card against McClaren’s and chances are, he will be exonerated. Now that Israel has defeated Russia 2-1, the stage is set for McClaren to win over his critics but I have a nagging suspicion he will falter.

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Steve McClaren Prepares For His Last Stand

Posted on December 22, 2007. Filed under: England, European Championship |

Despite facing vehement calls to resign, McClaren is putting up a brave front and insisted he is confident of reaching next summer’s finals and that he is the right man to lead England through qualifying campaign for the World Cup.

Audacious statements from a man secure about his own talent but it appears to be misplaced. England’s hopes depend on both Russia and Croatia dropping points to rescue his skin. If Russia demolish Israel this Saturday, it will condemn England to the humiliation of playing Croatia in a friendly match.

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